wannabe PG.Derbyshire smackdown inside
(too old to reply)
2012-07-16 06:16:23 UTC
On Mon, 9 Jul 2012 18:18:50 +0000 (UTC), Nadegda
On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 12:47:06 -0500, the Drunken Kook Masquerading as Ex-
On Mon, 9 Jul 2012 17:15:12 +0000 (UTC), Nadegda
Doctor McCoy once pithily noted, you can't cloak the stench. You
really ought to just revert to posting as "phlatArse" and leave it at
"Arse" again? Not "ass"? Only a few parts of the world that prefer
arse to ass. That's the second time you've made that blunder.
No, kook, the only blunder is down under. Murphy is Asstralian, and used
the name "phlatArse" for himself for quite a while back around
2007-2008. Or didn't you know that?
Nope, that isn't proof.
Lotsa links there with more info on that blunder from down under. HTH.
Did pA blister your ass, Peg Boy?
Twould appear so.
For more reasons than just the obvious?

I found.
Following the bouncing ball in reverse - in Agent one can use the references header
to go back to earlier posts - by using the "two clicks of the red shoes" thing?
Doing that quick exercise we (tinw) find this splutter from the dweeb:
Message-ID: <jten48$g7d$***@dont-email.me>

[edit] Anyway here's another: putting a footnote below instead of above the
sigdashes, thereby ensuring hardly anybody will notice it. You're such a

Now, the g00N later claims Agent is being used at the desktop, as per the headers.

From: Nadegda <***@gmail.invalid>
Message-ID: <jtepm6$c13$***@dont-email.me>
User-Agent: Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English

Forte Agent *is* a newsreader.kook.
That pissant Thunderbird you<SLAP!>
What part of "Forte Agent" did you not understand? And what would thoolen
say about this after your own posts earlier today as "Paul" had
Thunderbird headers? "How ironic"?

Funnily enough (hilarious actually) not only does Agent not set it's header
concatenation in such a manner as the g00N uses;
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1117
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
being the default presentation, BUT Agent *clearly* displays the
signature file lines, as opposed to browser style news clients which *dim* the lines.
In the example linked to above the left view is Agent in action, the right view is a
browser style news client.
Again, Derbyshire, in his pompous pontification, has revealed just what is stringing up
"Nadegda <***@gmail.invalid>" in crossposts to AUK.

..k00k stew anyone?

/blows smoke from .44cal Agent
2012-07-16 06:20:23 UTC
[wipes the jism off the ceiling light bulb]
ah..!..there you are.
WTF was that!!?
TTFN. But you'll be back. I know it. I seem to have you hopping almost
as madly as thoolen often does. Dance, kook!
..had to happen, you came too soon though, more is the pity. I was
having some great giggles!
But you had to go and fuck it all up with the Kook's Godwin!
"he who invokes the dance
is seen to concede"
I will take it as an easy win...but I aint happy, no sireeee.
..fucking Hydra Blanket went in early!
Your failure to respond to the substance of my post is noted, kook.
translation: waaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHH
Particularly noteworthy is your snipping and ignoring the whole bit where
you got the name of my news client wrong. And pretty much everything
translation: mommy waaaaaah...!!..my diaper is full.

[hands the dweeb a bunch of green thistle]

wipe your own ass.
And then invoking a rule you just made up to claim "VICTOLLY!!1!!!
"VICTOLLY!!1!!!"[sic] nonetheless the thread sure reads as being you,
in your kook[i]ness, being well reamed a new asshole!
.. actually the man paraphrased, the full rule being;

"As the kook moves toward meltdown, the probability of a directive of
"dance kook dance" being put to the kookologist engaged in burning
the kook's ass approaches 1."
I am starting to wonder /slap
.. always brings you undone, those hallucinations. take some shroom
tea, lad...there's a good mommy's boy.
Of course, the normal act after inventing a rule and then using it to
claim victory is to then disappear for a while, or nymshift competently
enough not to instantly get outed.
oH ReaLLY...oh My fuCking g0d my fucking caps loCK is Broken AgaiN!

"mmmmmmuuurphy" anyone?
I am guessing that you will do neither, thus cementing your claim to
the coveted July 2012 CNoTM Award.
.. there you go again with that "I guess" = "it i s fact" routine you
are so well known for, paul. kook

two problems I read with your "guess" statement.

1. --> Message-ID: <js8eif$bvq$***@blackhelicopter.databasix.com> says
your nomination of "Murphy/phlatArse/Flash/etc."
has been denied, being a "revenge nomination".
you do understand what that deny message is?
no, never would you think that far ahead.
effectively the FNVW is decreeing your kook status, for only known kooks
are denied nominating rights. you, paul, being an award winning kook have
been "outed" by that decree.

now, the FNVW is historically held in respect by _ALL_ usenetizens of any
worth in any forum. no self-respecting poster wants a kook award.
you lap them up, thrive on the kookiness, no less.

2.--> under all socks you use it is that "speak English" troll you get the most
mileage from, in your head. yet here **you** are using incorrect nomenclature
for a title. in your hurried effort to correct ***@gmail.invalid in the use
of "COTN"[sic] you spew out "CNoTM". oH Dear!

.. the kook award status page says;

CNotM -- Clueless Newbie of the Month

.. can you say "DoH!" paul.kook

should the ***@aioe.news.helpdesk
be not up for a Barbara Woodhouse Memorial and Hammer of Thor
"meritorious mention" - at the very least - for the butt hurt you are
experiencing right now, then it is so Usenet lives up to tradition, in not
being "fair" as in "fair go". one lesson you have never grasped.
folks are permitted to argue, permitted to disagree, permitted to call
a cunt a cunt. you are not going to get free reign in subverting those
discussions, nor instigating such egregiousness simply because the
results give you your jollies.cunt

in the words of Joe Attardi;
Why go through such trouble to identify this troll? Because Paul
Derbyshlre has a history of going around usenet causing trouble. Here's
the hilarious but true Paul Derbyshlre FAQ: http://preview.tinyurl.com/7apwwnt

.. more links for your savaged ravaged CNotM ass.kook

If you respond to every post someone else makes, they're obsessed. If they
respond to less than 1% of your posts, they're even more obsessed.

Remember that your ko0ky klaims are 'facts', and that 'facts' do not require proof.


CastAlone [Doktor Nauk] - Usenet Agent Provocateur
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