2012-07-16 06:16:23 UTC
On Mon, 9 Jul 2012 18:18:50 +0000 (UTC), Nadegda
Ditto.On Mon, 09 Jul 2012 12:47:06 -0500, the Drunken Kook Masquerading as Ex-
Nope, that isn't proof.On Mon, 9 Jul 2012 17:15:12 +0000 (UTC), Nadegda
arse to ass. That's the second time you've made that blunder.
No, kook, the only blunder is down under. Murphy is Asstralian, and used
the name "phlatArse" for himself for quite a while back around
2007-2008. Or didn't you know that?
Proof? McCoy once pithily noted, you can't cloak the stench. You
really ought to just revert to posting as "phlatArse" and leave it at
"Arse" again? Not "ass"? Only a few parts of the world that preferreally ought to just revert to posting as "phlatArse" and leave it at
arse to ass. That's the second time you've made that blunder.
the name "phlatArse" for himself for quite a while back around
2007-2008. Or didn't you know that?
Lotsa links there with more info on that blunder from down under. HTH.
Did pA blister your ass, Peg Boy?Tata.
For more reasons than just the obvious?
I found.
Following the bouncing ball in reverse - in Agent one can use the references header
to go back to earlier posts - by using the "two clicks of the red shoes" thing?
Doing that quick exercise we (tinw) find this splutter from the dweeb:
Message-ID: <jten48$g7d$***>
[edit] Anyway here's another: putting a footnote below instead of above the
sigdashes, thereby ensuring hardly anybody will notice it. You're such a
Now, the g00N later claims Agent is being used at the desktop, as per the headers.
From: Nadegda <***@gmail.invalid>
Message-ID: <jtepm6$c13$***>
User-Agent: Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English
Forte Agent *is* a newsreader.kook.
That pissant Thunderbird you<SLAP!>
What part of "Forte Agent" did you not understand? And what would thoolensay about this after your own posts earlier today as "Paul" had
Thunderbird headers? "How ironic"?
Funnily enough (hilarious actually) not only does Agent not set it's header
concatenation in such a manner as the g00N uses;
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1117
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
being the default presentation, BUT Agent *clearly* displays the
signature file lines, as opposed to browser style news clients which *dim* the lines.
In the example linked to above the left view is Agent in action, the right view is a
browser style news client.
Again, Derbyshire, in his pompous pontification, has revealed just what is stringing up
"Nadegda <***@gmail.invalid>" in crossposts to AUK.
..k00k stew anyone?
/blows smoke from .44cal Agent